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The well-developed chest indicates not only physical fitness, but it also provides a natural protection for the two most important internal organs, heart and lungs, and has a significant impact on health. The training and exercises of the chest muscles covered in this presentation will help to maintain a healthy and muscular figure.

In training chest muscles, strength training is recommended in first practice, such as a flat, incline or decline bench press (because of the maximum amount of energy at the beginning of the exercises), and then to include isolated exercises (flys and pullovers) that do not require too heavy loads, but rather impeccable technique.

Time required for complete recovery of deltoid muscles:

- at low intensity of work out – 2-3 days
- at medium intensity of workout – 4-5 days
- at high intensity of workout – 6-7 days

In chest training (just like in the rest of the muscle groups), proper warm-up is essential. Due to involvement of shoulder, elbow and wrist muscles in the training, they should be properly warmed up. The warm-up should last at least a few minutes. The following should be performed: arms circling back and forward, arm swings, bending and circling of the wrists and a dozen or so push ups (in one series or in short series between other exercises). Mandatory are stretch exercises. During training, it is recommended to gradually change the weight. The first 1 - 2 series are made with weights 40-50% lower than expected with maximum load and with more repetitions (12 - 15). This way of training will allow you to properly prepare your muscles and joints to overcome high overloads and to avoid painful injuries.

With exercise of the chest muscle groups, there is no issue of the degree of advancement. Everyone can do each exercise, adjusting weight and frequency of exercise and the number of repetitions in the series to the one’s individual needs. The ability to perform particular exercises by each of the training groups, does not mean that everyone can immediately apply a full set of exercises. Beginners should do 2 - 3 basic exercises (eg. barbell flat and incline bench press, varying the workout with machine exercises (flys) or an exerciser workout (pressing). Once the correct technique is achieved and enough practice to evaluate the one’s abilities, the full training can be introduced.



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles, triceps, anterior deltoids.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed in lying position on the flat bench.


Exercise 1: Lie on a bench with legs bent at right angle and planted to the ground (photo 1). When lowering the barbell to the chest, the shoulders form a right angle with the forearms, the thumb is grasping a bar (notice for beginning bodybuilders – beware to the use of so-called "monkey grip", used by routine bodybuilders, for security reasons). Taking a deep breath, lower the bar down to the chest less than 1 cm below the nipples (exhale when pushing the weight), trying to stop the weight before pushing, stimulating the muscles to an extra effort. When pushing the bar, drive the elbows along the sides without letting them go inwards, end pushing before the muscles are locked, resulting in better muscle tension. Exercise can also be done on Smith machine..

Tips: This is an exercise that stimulates the growth of the entire chest. For many bodybuilders, it is the key to building muscles of this muscle group. Increases circulation around the chest. Remember to properly breathe (pressing - inhale, lowering the weight - exhale). Lying position with constant pressure of hips on the bench, guarantees the stability. The barbell bar should lightly touch our chest and not hit it.



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles, triceps, anterior deltoids.



Exercise Instructions:

The same way as the previous exercise.


Exercise 1: The body alignment is the same as in Exercise 1 (with barbell). Thanks to the ability to bring the weights closer together (which is impossible with the barbell), we can achieve the effect of greater work of the inner chest (photo 4). The use of barbells allows for varying the phase of lowering the weight as they do not restrict movement. We can lower our arms below the chest, even to the ground level, additionally extending the muscles of the chest. In the final phase of the movement, the wrists can be exercised by changing their position, causing extra tension in their inner muscle parts.

Tips: This is an exercise that stimulates the growth of the entire chest. For many bodybuilders, it is the key to building muscles of this muscle group. Increases circulation around the chest. Remember to properly breathe (pressing - inhale, lowering the weight - exhale). Lying position with constant pressure of hips on the bench, guarantees the stability. The barbell bar should lightly touch our chest and not hit it.



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles with stronger focus of its upper part, triceps, anterior deltoids.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed on the incline bench, set at the 30-45 degree.


Exercise 1: Practice with the principles of weight maintaining and breathing given in the exercise 1. Lower the bar about 10 cm below neck on the chest. Focus on the work of the chest muscles without the involvement of the shoulder muscles (to avoid the work of shoulder muscles, the bench angle should not exceed 45 degrees). Arch the back slightly, mowing forward the chest, hips during the exercise fixed to the bench, the back slightly off the bench.

Tips: All notes related to exercise 1, apply to this exercise. Exercises. In addition, the care must be taken to stabilize the torso - not to go down with the barbell from the bench (leg supports, pad for sitting etc.). Some bodybuilders lower the barbell to the neck (for greater isolation of the upper chest muscles), but this is dangerous because of the possibility of tracheal and larynx damage when carelessly lowering the weight. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in beginner training.



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles with stronger focus of its upper part, triceps, anterior deltoids.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed on the incline bench, set at the 30-45 degrees.


Exercise 1: Position as in exercise 3, additional possibilities like in exercise 2 with dumbbells on the flat bench

Tips: All notes related to exercise 1, apply to this exercise. Exercises. In addition, the care must be taken to stabilize the torso - not to go down with the dumbbells from the bench (leg supports, pad for sitting etc.).



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles with stronger focus of its lower part, triceps, anterior deltoids.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed on the decline bench, set at the 30-45 degrees (photo 9).


Exercise 1: Legs for stability fixed on the leg brace to avoid slipping from the bench. Exercise similar to the exercises on a horizontal bench (inhale while lowering the barbell, exhale when pushing). Exercise can also be done with Smith machine (photo 10) or machines.

Tips: The condition of safety during exercising is protecting against falling down especially in the case of individual training without the accompanying person. The exercise is not recommended for people with hypertension. With the same effect, Chest dipscan be performed.



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles with stronger focus of its lower part, triceps, anterior deltoids (similar to exercise 5).



Exercise Instructions:

Starting position as in exercise 5 with the barbell.


Exercise 1: During the exercise, while dumbbells are kept closer during lifting, we bring more emphasis to the development of the inner part of the chest. In the lowering phase, lower our arms below the chest level to the ground, causing the muscle to stretch (according to a rule: the bigger the range of motion, the greater the muscle development). In the final phase of lowering, the wrist exercises are recommended, so that the palms are directed to each other with their fingers, resulting in additional tension inner parts of muscles.

Tips: The condition of safety during exercising is protecting against falling down especially in the case of individual training without the accompanying person. This exercise is not recommended for persons with high blood-pressure. Remember to screw the clamps properly.



Muscles Targeted:

Pectoralis major muscle (inner and outer part), coracobrachialis muscle, anterior deltoids, pectoralis minor and serratus anterior muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed in lying position on the flat bench.


Exercise 1: Lie on a bench with arms erect vertically to the ground, fingers facing each other. When making motions with dumbbells, while they are in the up position, inhale and bring them to the bottom position. Exhale when lifting up the barbell. The motion before reaching apogee, can be stopped, for better muscle tension. In the final phase, the movement can be stopped for a moment to improve muscle tension. Stop the movement while lifting so that the dumbbells do not touch. The more complete the range of movement, the better and more effective the stretching of the muscles. The weight adjusted to the individual ability of the trainee to make the exercise technically correct. Alternatively, exercise can be performed with pulley cables or with a special machine.

Tips: A reasonable dosage of weight is recommended, because the exercise strongly overloads shoulder joints (especially with the close grip) and can cause painful injuries.



Muscles Targeted:

Pectoralis major muscle (upper inner and outer part), coracobrachialis muscle i anterior deltoids, pectoralis minor and serratus anterior muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed on the incline bench, set at the 30-45 degrees..


Exercise 1: Begin the exercise with your arms straight, perpendicular to the ground with your fingers facing each other; During the movement slightly bend arms in the elbows. Inhale at the beginning of the motion when the dumbbells are at the top, exhale as we lift the dumbbells up. The more complete the range of movement, the better and more effective the stretching of the muscles. The weight adjusted to the individual ability of the trainee to make the exercise technically correct. Alternatively, exercise can be performed by replacing the dumbbells with pulley handles.

Tips: Exercise develops the inner and outer parts of the upper chest. Perform exercise at a moderate pace - rush most often causes technical mistakes - in the final phase the motion turns into pressing, and this should be avoided). When exercising with pulleys, you can cross the ropes at the end of the movement for better muscle tension and greater involvement of the inner chest. A similar solution can be obtained by crossing the dumbbells in the final phase of motion (remember, however, that once the left arm and once the right arm should be higher, in turns). Remember to screw the clamps properly.



Muscles Targeted:

Inner part of pectoralis muscle, anterior deltoids, triceps.



Exercise Instructions:

Starting position and breathing – the same as at wide grip barbell press exercise.


Exercise 1: Barbell grip at a shoulder width or narrower (but not too narrow because it gives stress to wrists and elbows). Alternatively, exercise can be performed on Smith machine. Exercise at a first place should involve the chest muscles, and then the triceps, for this purpose you should keep your elbows as aside of the trunk as possible and concentrate on the work of the chest muscles, not the arms.



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles, latissimus dorsi muscles.



Exercise Instructions:

We lie across the horizontal bench (photo 18), so that only part of the back rests on the bench in the shoulder and neck area.


Exercise 1: Grasp the dumbbell below the plates so that the dumbbell bar is between the thumbs and index fingers. The arms are slightly bent during the motion. During extending the arms, triceps and the latissimus dorsi are also working. Lower the dumbbell until the maximal arc, at which the weight is controlled. Very important is breathing: strong breath in while lowering the dumbbell behind the head, exhale during the dumbbells rising. For better involvements of serratus muscles, the hips can be lowered, which will additionally stretch the torso and increase the range of motion. During exercise, concentrate on the work of the chest muscles and eliminate the work of the back muscles. Alternatively, but with limited motion range, the exercise can be performed lying along the bench.

Tips: This is a very good exercise to enlarge the volume of the chest. It develops well the serratus muscles. Remember to breathe properly, which is very important in enlarging the chest. Remember to screw the clamps properly.



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles, anterior deltoids, triceps.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed in standing position, pushing up on the bars.


Exercise 1: In this exercise, as with Exercise 9, the principle of greater engagement in the work of the pectoralis muscles should be applied, subsequently the triceps of the shoulders; it is determined by the trunk position (which at a large extent eliminates the work of arm muscles) and the position of elbows (the maximum distance to the torso) depend mostly on the technique of the trainee. The aim of partial elimination of the whole group of chest muscles and better tension of the pectoralis muscles is to avoid full erection of the arms.

Tips: This exercise well extends the lower chest areas, also the power of pressing in the lying. They can be performed as a warm up exercise before presses or as a finishing exercise of the workout. When we reach a level that allows us to make big amounts of repetitions in this exercise, additional load can be applied in the form of weight hung on the belt.



Muscles Targeted:

Pectoralis major muscle, coracobrachialis muscle and anterior deltoids.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed in the seated position.


Exercise 1: We adjust the machine so that: the arms form a straight angle with the forearms, the forearms and elbows should be flat on the whole length of the lever pads. Inhale before you start motion, exhale as the arms come closer together. In the final phase (the arms closest to each other), for greater muscle tension, stop motion for 1-2 seconds. Return motion should be under full control.

Exercise 2: Alternatively (using a different machine), grab machine bars, changing the forearms position (they are in a position parallel to the ground, arms slightly bent in the elbows)

Tips: During full motion the torso remains stationary, the back flat on the pad. If it is difficult to bring your arms together, reduce the weight. This exercise is especially recommended during the period when you work on the definition of muscles when you include a variety of isolated exercises in your training program.



Muscles Targeted:

The whole group of chest muscles, anterior deltoids.



Exercise Instructions:

Exercise is performed in the standing position.


Exercise 1: Stand between two high pulleys with the torso slightly forward bent, for better isolation of the pectoralis muscles. Grab the handle of the pulley cables and pull them inwards and downwards. For this exercise, use moderate weights and exercise a full range of motion. Stopping the movement in the final phase will allow to get better muscle tension and improve the sharpness of the muscular details.

Tips: Exercise allows to sharpen the outlines of muscle fibers (especially the inner part of the chest). During exercise, avoid uncontrolled movements.

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