Serine belongs to the group of essential amino acids, which is synthesized in the human body, found naturally in the human brain, and soy milk. Its derivative is Phosphatidyl serine. Serine is involved in the synthesis of muscle proteins, it includes activator of protein kinase C (an enzyme localized in the brain), acting positively on the nervous system (improves the functions of association and memory and concentration), increases the ability to receive external stimuli and intensifies the process of information processing. Serine used in food reduces the level of the hormone cortisol located in the catabolic muscle, affecting adversely the metabolism, resulting in a decrease in muscle mass and fat gain. The use of serine affect the rate of convalescence, recovery after injuries and maintaining psychophysical condition. Due to the high price, in supplementation used very rarely. Preparations available at
Dosage: as usually used in supplementation