Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) is a tree originating from the Balkan Peninsula. Medicinal raw material chestnuts are chestnut seed (Semen Hippocastani), the flower of its white speciments (Flos Hippocastani) and bark (Cortex Hippocastani). Each of the raw medicaments are a rich source of active compounds (sugars, flavonoids, triterpenoid saponins, coumarins (e.g. Esculin), carotenoids, organic acids, etc. extracts are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial (gastrointestinal) anti-exudation (protect blood vessels from congestion ), antispasmodic. also they are used externally in the form of wraps including burns and second degree, with frostbite, skin abrasions. We do not recommend the use of preparations of horse chestnut in case of acute renal failure, and in the final period of pregnancy. Supplements available at