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Alpha linoleic acid (ALA) is classified to the type of omega-3 fatty acids and belongs to essential, unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs) and to exogenous fats, which means that the organism is not able to produce them on its own.

According to the research, ALA may support the work of the pancreas and more precisely, it may influence insulin sensitivity, thanks to which the levels of insulin, inflammatory factors, triglycerides and free fatty acids in blood are lower. On the basis of this, we may also conclude that introducing linoleic acid to a diet will partially decrease the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Thanks to its properties, ALA also demonstrates the activity of antioxidants, therefore it contributes to the elimination of the excess of free radicals from the organism and also, which is important in sports - it increases the amount of glycogen in the liver and muscles and it supports oxygen efficiency of muscles.

Introducing this fat to a diet will improve concentration and will increase resistance to stress. The improvement of skin appearance may also be noticed.

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